Хайруліна Н.Ф.Khairulina N.F.2023-10-042023-10-04202113.00.01https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/1435The article is devoted to the peculiarities of teaching a foreign language (English) in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during a pandemic. The author singles out an experimental model that significantly improves the acquired foreign language competence's effectiveness by future law enforcement officers and lawyers. The article focuses much attention on interactive technologies that enhance grammar, reading, writing, and listening skills. The paper considers distance learning as a form of organization of the educational process, within which its participants - teachers and students - interact remotely offline/online. The concept of "distance education" is interpreted as an opportunity to study and obtain the necessary knowledge remotely from the educational institution at any convenient time.Khairulina N., Kopotun I., Experimental model of teaching a foreign language at the HEE of the MIA in a Рandemic// International Conference on Economics, Law and Education Research (ELER2021) 10-11 March, 2021 Kyiv, Ukraine (https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/eler-21/125954374)enExperimental Model of Teaching a Foreign Language at the HEE of the MIA in a PandemicЕкспериментальна модель викладання іноземної мови у ВНЗ МВС в умовах пандемії