Кадала В. В.Kadala V. V.2023-12-192023-12-19201512.00.03https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/2575Кадала В. В. До вдосконалення надання послуг національним оператором поштового зв'язку // Проблеми правознавства та правоохоронної діяльності. - 2015. - № 2 (55). - С. 76-84.Діяльність з надання послуг національним оператором поштового зв’язку має певні недоліки. Стаття присвячена проведенню дослідження напрямів удосконалення надання ним таких послуг. Виявлено, що таке удосконалення має здійснюватись за трьома напрямами: самостійно оператором, законодавцем – шляхом формування належної законодавчої бази та відповідними контролюючими органами. Efforts to provide the services the national operator of postal communication has certain disadvantages. The article is devoted to the study of areas of improvement, provide them with such services. The national postal operator provides services to individuals and legal entities. Thus, based on the list of provided services and the existing regulatory framework is impossible to distinguish which of the services operator will be the main, additional, related, or other. At the same time, the lack of such a distinction creates problems in the analysis of the profitability of the services provided by the national operator. A significant proportion of the services provided by the national operator, is banking. In this regard, the question arises about the necessity of organization on the basis of the national operator of the postal Bank. Such actions will require a significant restructuring of the legislation governing the provision of postal services. Also raises the issue of supervision of such an operator, since that issue would be within the competence of different authorities. Special attention requires the issue of compliance of the quality level of provided services. Currently the services provided are evaluated only by the speed of delivery of letters. Given the significant amount of services to control the level of quality and efficiency of service should encompass much more criteria. In addition, system analysis of efficiency of activity of the postal operator by the regulatory authorities. To improve the quality of services also requires upgrading the infrastructure operator and provision of the necessary qualified personnel. Based on the analysis researched that improving the provision of services by the national operator should be carried out in three ways: independently by the operator, the legislator through the formation of an adequate legislative framework and relevant regulatory authorities.uk-UAДо вдосконалення надання послуг національним оператором поштового зв'язкуTo improve the provision of services by the national operator of postal communication