Хайруліна Н.Ф.Khairulina N.F.2023-08-162023-08-16202212.00.08https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/551The article under consideration deals with the comparative analysis of works of art including the literary model "life is a fair". Socio-political processes of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries significantly influenced the development of world literature. Therefore, it is natural that in the context of the literary process of a given period, when the nature of financial relations in the world reached its peak, writers, trying to work in the interests of the reader, begin to address the problem of the essence of financial relations activelyInternational scientific conference “New trends and unsolved issues in medicine” : conference proceedings (July 29–30, 2022. Riga, the Republic of Latvia). Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2022. - P. 264 - 267.enПАРАДИГМА СПРИЙМАННЯ ЖИТТЯ ЯК ЯРМАРКУ В РОМАНАХ В. ТЕКЕРЕЯ ТА І. ФРАНКА: ПОРІВНЯЛЬНИЙ АСПЕКТTHE PARADIGM OF PERCEIVING LIFE AS A FAIR IN THE NOVELS BY W. THACKERAY AND I. FRANKO: COMPARATIVE ASPECT