Колєснік Т. В.Koliesnik T. V.2023-12-122023-12-12201512.00.05https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/2388Колєснік Т. В. Сучасні підходи до застосування мотивації і стимулювання працівників. Право і безпека. №3. 2015. С. 114-120.Розглянуто шляхи підвищення дисципліни праці працівників. Визначено існуючі проблеми у сфері забезпечення дисципліни праці. Конкретизовано поняття «мотивація», «стимул» та «правовий стимул». Досліджено мотиваційний механізм людини, особливо структуру трудової мотивації працівника в сучасних умовах. Зроблено висновок про залежність дисципліни праці працівника від зовнішнього впливу на нього стимулу і заохочення The article is devoted to the consideration of the ways to improve the labor discipline of employees. The relevance of this problem is caused by the aggravation of a number of issues of social and economic development of the society thatnegatively affects the material guaranteeing of employees both by the state and by private entrepreneurs. In the conditions of market economy, employers don’t use various methods of motivation of employees to ensure the labor discipline. The existing problems in the area of guaranteeing discipline are defined in the article. Characteristic features are analyzed; the concepts of «motivation», «stimulus», «legal incentive» are clarified. Motivation presented as two interrelated processes: motivation and stimulation. Stimulation is defined as the management process over an employee’s behavior or a group of employees, which is expressed in a meaningful impact on staff behavior by influencing the conditions of the life and usage of motives that impel such a labor group to work. The importance of legal incentive in the matter of labor discipline is evident, because it is a factor of influence that is used by an employer (or other authorized person) to correct, improve labor behavior of an employee or a group of employees. Common and different features of these concepts are researched. Thus, thefundamental difference between the concepts of «motivation» and «stimulation» is the fact that stimulation is one of the means by the assistance of which motivation can be realized. The following types of motivation like: material, immaterial, moral, organizational are defined and singled out. Motivation mechanisms of a human being are researched, particularly the structure of labor motivation of employees in the modern conditions is studied. Based on the research it is concluded that discipline of employees is almost impossible without external influence on it which is an incentive and encouragement.СУЧАСНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ МОТИВАЦІЇ І СТИМУЛЮВАННЯ ПРАЦІВНИКІВMODER NAPPROACHES OF USING MOTIVATION AND STIMULATION OF EMPLOYEES