Korotkova Yu.M.Короткова Ю.М.2023-08-172023-08-17201913.00.01https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/796Правовий часопис Донбасу. Зб. наук. пр. Донецького юридичного інституту МВС України. № 2(67). 2019. С. 142–149.Статтю присвячено теоретичному осмисленню проблеми культури мовлення юриста. Насамперед розмежовано поняття «культура мови» й «культура мовлення», визначено сутність і зміст поняття «культура мовлення юриста», виокремлено та схарактеризовано компоненти структури досліджуваного поняття, проаналізовано головні якості, притаманні культурі мовлення правників, The article deals with theoretical comprehension of the problem of a lawyer's speech culture. The author differentiates such concepts as "culture of language" and "culture of speech", in particular it is found out that the culture of language is a theoretical linguistic discipline that studies the normative language, its correspondence to social requirements, the level of linguistic competence of speakers. Culture of speech is a mastery of the language, its rules, the ability to transmit thoughts by means of languages properly, accurately and clearly, choosing the latter according to the purpose and situations of communication. The author determines the essence and meaning of "culture of speech of a lawyer", which is understood as a multilevel professional personal quality that is observed in perfect knowledge of the language, its rules, abilities to transmit the thoughts correctly, accurately and clearly, to affect feelings and emotions of the audience by using linguistic and extra linguistic means by selecting the latter in accordance with the purpose and the situation of communication. The following components of the lawyer's culture of speech have been differentiated and characterized: motivational (the need for the acquisition of linguistic means for the purpose of effective professional activity and further personal and professional self-development), cognitive (assimilation of information about the main language phenomena, concepts, methods and types of speech activity), active (mastery of the types of linguistic, communicative, cognitive activity), psychological (knowledge of the conditions of organizing communication, possession of psychological techniques to evoke trust, to maintain attention, etc.), affective (formation of such qualities as sensitivity, tolerance, empathy, the ability to regulate one's own emotions and to create positive background for communication), intercultural (formation of intercultural competence). The main features that characterize the culture of speech of lawyers, namely correctness, or normativity, diversity, expressiveness, clarity, accuracy, purity, conciseness, emotionality, expediency, logic, simplicity, aesthetics, relevance, specificity, proper theoretical level, practical orientation have been analyze.ПОНЯТТЯ І СТРУКТУРА КУЛЬТУРИ МОВЛЕННЯ ЮРИСТАCONCEPT AND STRUCTURE OF LAWYER’S CULTURE OF SPEECH