Тишакова, Л.Хайруліна Н.Tyshakova LKhairulina N2023-10-042023-10-04202213.00.01https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/1436The objective of our research is the theoretical substantiation of modern approaches to the training of lawyers in a higher educational institution, his professional competence from the point of view of the efficiency of professional activity. The social division of labor determines the diversity of legal areas of training, professions, and professional structures of society. The performance of certain types of legal activity requires the appropriate qualification of a specialist, which, in turn, is impossible without acquiring knowledge of the necessary level and professional training. That is why professional competence from the point of view of the efficiency of professional activity is leading during the professional training of future lawyers. Various aspects of the professional training of lawyers were highlighted in their studies by O. Bandurko, V. Haluzynskyi, A. Rybachuk, S. Shevtsov, H. Yavorska, and others.Tyshakova L.T., Khairulina N.F. Formation of the Professional Competence of the Future Lawyer. Сучасні аспекти модернізації науки: стан, проблеми, тенденції розвитку: матеріали XXIV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції / за ред. І.В. Жукової, Є.О. Романенка. м. Орхус (Данія): ГО «ВАДНД», 07 вересня 2022 р. 258 с. C. 245-250.enFormation of the Professional Competence of the Future LawyerФормування професійної компетентності майбутнього юриста