Хайруліна Н.Ф.Khairulina N.F.2023-08-162023-08-16202212.00.08https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/562The article analyzes the theoretical principles and trends of semiotic literary studies. Several definitions are described semiotics as a science of sign systems; their properties and generalities are revealed theory of signs and designs. Due to the popularity of semiotics, there are abuses of its terms, which is of concern among scientists. The genesis of the most symbolic theory and the specifics of semiotics as science are outlined. The research of its founders, representing the polar ones, is characterized by approaches to the industry.Khairulina, N., & Dmytrenko, V. (2022). APPLICATION OF SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS IN MODERN LITERARY CRITICISM (THEORETICAL DISCOURSE). Sworld-Us Conference Proceedings, 1(usc09-01). - P. 104–107.enAPPLICATION OF SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS IN MODERN LITERARY CRITICISM (THEORETICAL DISCOURSE)ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ СЕМІОТИЧНОГО АНАЛІЗУ В СУЧАСНОМУ ЛІТЕРАТУРНОМУ КРИТИЦІ (ТЕОРЕТИЧНИЙ ДИСКУРС)