Хайруліна Н.Тишакова Л. Т.Краснопольський В.Khairulina N.Tyshakova L.Krasnopolskyi V.2023-10-042023-10-04202213.00.01https://rep.dnuvs.ukr.education/handle/123456789/1462Military operations that began in February 2022 arise new challenges for the teachers and cadets of the higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Future police officers are an integral part of their people. They are the bearers of everything positive and negative that are inherent in the people and their consciousness undergoes the same transformations. Hardly anyone will deny that Ukrainian society today is in a state of fundamental dynamic changes that began with the events on Kyiv’s Independence Square in 2013 and continue to this day when Ukraine is resisting Russian military aggression with all its might.Krasnopolskyi V.E., Tyshakova L.T., Khairulina N.F. Formation of National Conciousness among the Future Policemen under Martial Law. International scientific conference «The role of psychology and pedagogy in the spiritual development of modern society» : conference proceedings, July 30–31, 2022. Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», 2022. 363 pages. P. 231-235.enFORMATION OF NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS AMONG FUTURE POLICEMEN UNDER MARTIAL LAWФОРМУВАННЯ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ СВІДОМОСТІ МАЙБУТНІХ ПОЛІЦЕЙСЬКИХ В УМОВАХ ВОЄННОГО СТАНУ