Історія дитячої праці та її законодавчого регулювання в ХІХ столітті
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У статті досліджено еволюцію законодавства про працю неповнолітніх у XIX ст. Розглянуто експлуататорські умови праці неповнолітніх та фактори, які вплинули на формування і прийняття законодавства у сфері регулювання умов праці дітей. Проаналізовано основні законодавчі гарантії та обмеження щодо дитячої праці: мінімальний вік, час роботи, охорону.
The article discusses the evolution of child labor law in the 19th century, on the example of England and the Russian Empire. The purpose of the article was to ascertain the circumstances that led to the exploitative forms of child labor, and the circumstances that have pushed governments to adopting legislation that would guarantee minimum labor rights for children. The article examines the types of productions (factories, mines, workshops) which were involved in child labor, investigated age range of working children, their working time, leisure of minors and conditions of labor. It was found out that the children began working from an early age, working conditions for children were not different from that of adults labor (working up to 20 hours a day, night work, unhygienic conditions at work), and remuneration was much smaller. The article discusses the consequences of child labor: injuries, high mortality rate and their influence on social, political and economic situation in states. The normative acts of the states, adopted during the nineteenth century, were analyzed. That gives the possibility to draw a general conclusion with respect to labor and social rights guaranteed by the states. Such assurances were: the establishment of a minimum age for employment, prohibition of night work for young children, baning work in dangerous and unhealthy industries, the improvement of working conditions, limitation of working hours, the provision of education. Of course, the laws that were adopted, not immediately and not always were effective. Employers were reluctant to carry out the laws. But one thing is certain: the state and society have set itself the problem and, through trial and error, are now struggling with the elimination of unacceptable forms of child labor.
Абдель Фатах А.С. Історія дитячої праці та її законодавчого регулювання в ХІХ столітті. Правовий часопис Донбасу. 2020. №1 (70). С. 38-45.