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Перегляд 2022 за Автор "Babkina M."
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Документ ІСТОРИКО-ПРАВОВИЙ НАРИС МОДЕРНИХ ВІЗІЙ ПОЛІЦІЇ(Донецький державний університет внутрішніх справ, 2022) Туренко О.; Бабкіна М.; Turenko O.; Babkina M.Проаналізовано відправні теорії поліції, її доктринальні засади, функції, сфери діяльності та місце у формуванні дисциплінарного суспільства у працях мислителів раннього модерну. У їх творах поліція є гіпертрофованим, утопічно-універсальним державним органом, який повинен «всеосяжно» охопити весь спектр економічних, політико-управлінських, моральних сфер життя суспільства. Метою поліції було сформувати патерналістську суспільну модель – дисциплінарне суспільство, що тотально підконтрольне волі абсолютного монарха. Проте під впливом ліберально-демократичних ідей модерний концепт поліції змінився в бік гуманізму й захисту державою прав людини та громадянина, побудови правової і соціальної держави. З поліції було знято ореол «всеосяжності», а її функції розподілено між іншими державними органами. The starting theories of the police, its doctrinal meanings, functions, spheres of activity and place in the formation of a disciplinary society in the theories of early modern thinkers are analyzed. Political and managerial works of modern thinkers existed within the religious worldview and were created to give absolutist sovereigns – semi-feudal rulers an idea of the mechanisms and means of creating a new order, a better rational and disciplinary socio-political formation, which provided conditions for Christian salvation – happiness in earth. life. At the end of the XVII century. on the theoretical basis of the eudemonist state, the concept of the welfare state was developed, which was later defined in the term "welfare state". The works of modern police officers are hypertrophied, an attempt to cover the full range of socio-economic and political-managerial spheres of society. To achieve this goal required a centralized, branched body of state influence, called the "police". In the future, a separate discipline was formed – "science of the police" (German Polizeiwissenschaft). In the view of modern scholars, the new state was seen as a police institution that carefully monitors its subjects, infinitely interferes in their daily lives, in order to form social discipline. That is, the concepts of early modern authors not only did not share the concept of state and police, but determined the primacy of the institution of the police in the administrative bureaucratic activities of the absolutist state. Thus, the police received "comprehensive" functions that had utopian-universal features. In her own field of vision were to be almost all spheres of socio-economic life of society, social morality and material level of subjects. Utopian-universal qualities of the police and its unlimited powers form the basis for the approval of the modern idea of the "police state". At the beginning of the XIX century modern concept of the police, its meaning began to change. This took place against the historical background of the destruction of absolute monarchies, the establishment of the first liberal democracies, global industrialization and urbanization, and so on. In the theoretical sense, the police change in meaning under the influence of the theories of "rule of law" (R. Mole) and "welfare state" (L. Stein). The halo of "comprehensiveness" is removed from the police and its functions are distributed to other state and bureaucratic bodies.