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Документ АКТУАЛЬНІ СЕГМЕНТИ ПРАВОВИХ РЕГУЛЯТОРІВ ЦИКЛУ ФІНАНСОВОЇ БЕЗПЕКИ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ(Кривий Ріг: ДЮІ МВС України, 2019) Гузенко О. П.; Хайлова Т. В.; Huzenco O. P.; Khailova T. V.Статтю присвячено актуальним сегментам правових регуляторів циклу фінансової безпеки підприємств із поданням авторської позиції щодо сутнісної характеристики дефініції «фінансова безпека підприємств». Запропоновано розглядати дефініцію як економічну категорію, котра забезпечує оцінку фінансового циклу діяльності підприємства з урахуванням законодавчої, стратегічної та моніторингової політики управління фінансовими критеріями. Встановлено ключові недоліки правових регуляторів циклів фінансової безпеки підприємств. Обґрунтовано можливі напрямки усунення недоліків у законодавчо-нормативному блоці, котрий забезпечує цикли фінансової безпеки підприємств. The article is devoted to the study of current segments of legal regulators of financial security cycle of enterprises, which include a legislative platform for solving financial and economic problems of business entities development. It proves that the problematic issue of financial activities of modern entrepreneurs is the lack of an effective legislative platform to ensure the appropriate level of financial security. The consequence of such events is uncertainty with an effective financial strategy for enterprises development, their low competitiveness, liquidity, business activity and financial stability. In order to improve the cycle of management of enterprises financial security, the author’s point of view on the meaningfulness of the definition of “enterprises financial security” has been provided. This definition is proposed to be considered as an economic and legal category that provides an assessment of the financial cycle of an enterprise, taking into account the legislative, strategic and monitoring policy of managing financial indicators through the adjustment of the criteria. The key shortcomings of legal regulators of the financial security cycles of enterprises have been identified. The possible directions for eliminating deficiencies in the legislative and regulatory unit are substantiated, namely: creation of a regulatory framework governing the activities of enterprises with the development of a single methodological unit for evaluating financial security; development of guidelines that reveal the procedure for assessing the level of financial security of business entities, taking into account the sectoral specifics of their functioning; development at the macroeconomic level of a provision on the financial security of business entities, taking into account management elements, principles and methods for determining the criteria for assessing financial security, which should become mandatory for implementation regardless of the scale of business activities.Документ Актуалізація питань управління економічною безпекою сучасних підприємств(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, 2018) Гузенко О. П.; Хайлова Т. В.; Guzenko O. P.; Khailova T. V.У статті досліджено ключові питання управління економічною безпекою підприємств, подано авторське бачення змістовності поняття «управління економічною безпекою підприємства» та специфічних принципів забезпечення економічної безпеки. Запропоновано моделі управління роботою служби економічної безпеки на підприємстві, які здатні покращити стан кадрової політики в контексті виконання службовими особами функцій у розрізі економічної безпеки. The article is devoted to certain aspects of legislative innovations that affect the work of the customs authorities of Ukraine, namely the work of customs and its regional units. Ukraine is currently undergoing a full-scale military operation unleashed by Russia. The overall development of the country in all areas has been affected by the challenges that echo military action. One of the most painful, vulnerable sectors of the country has become the economy. Falling incomes from various areas of business, mass closures of enterprises, institutions and organizations located in the occupied territories, disruption of the logistics of doing business has led to a reduction in cash inflows to the budgets of various levels. As a result of such events, the first stage of the war was a sharp jump in the inflationary burden on the price component of food and industrial goods, the exchange rate began to rise, which negatively affected the export and import operations of economic entities and reduced incomes in general. To eliminate the negative consequences, certain legal initiatives have been implemented to support the state's economy during the war in Ukraine. The result of the implementation of legislative initiatives was to lead to: reduction of the tax burden on small and medium-sized businesses, at least for the period of martial law; formation of an appropriate system of protection of the national market from offenses that have intensified in the process of transportation of products across the customs borders of Ukraine, from cases of substandard goods or services represented in customs procedures; suspension of unjustified actions of civil servants who, within their own powers, have an impact on the effectiveness of customs control and are able to reduce the effectiveness of fiscal policy if employees neglect their functional responsibilities. The article draws attention to the main segments of customs reform and substantiates the feasibility of its adaptation to martial law. The content of legislative initiatives from the standpoint of amending the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine to improve legislation during martial law, as well as in terms of customs and tax benefits for both exporters and importers. The content of customs procedures regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Some issues of customs control and customs clearance of goods, including vehicles, in martial law" is revealed. Legislative requirements for the rules of importation of vehicles into the customs territory of Ukraine under martial law are outlined, attention is paid to the possibility of choosing the method of customs clearance and customs control of these vehicles by business entities and citizens.Документ Соціальний захист працівників органів внутрішніх справ як гарантія соціальної безпеки держави(ОДУВС, 2020) Іванов І. В.; Князькова Л. М.; Хайлова Т. В.; Ivanov I. V.; Kniazkova L. M.; Khailova T. V.Досліджено проблеми соціального захисту поліцейських, як складової соціальної безпеки держави. Здійснено аналіз нормативних актів, що регулюють порядок перерахунку пенсій колишнім працівникам міліції. Запропоновано зміни до нормативних актів, що регулюють прирівнювання посад колишніх працівників міліції до посад поліцейських. The problems of social protection of policemen as a component of the social security of the state have been studied. The analysis of normative acts regulating the procedure for transferring pensions to former police officers was carried out. Changes have been proposed to the normative acts regulating the equalization of the positions of former police officers with the positions of police officers.