Природа та структура предмета відання у кримінальному процесі

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Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України
Статтю присвячено визначенню природи та структури предмета відання у кримінальному процесі. Проведено аналіз положень кримінального процесуального законодавства та наукових досліджень з теорії права та кримінального процесу щодо предмета відання суб’єктів кримінального провадження. Досліджено природу предмета відання у кримінальному процесі. Визначено структурні складові предмета відання у кримінальному процесі. The article is sanctified to determination of nature and structure of the jurisdiction in a criminal process. The analysis of positions of criminal judicial legislation and scientific researches is conducted from the theory of right and criminal process in relation to the article of jurisdiction of criminal realization. It is set that the jurisdiction of subjects of criminal process is determined in legislation through under investigation, judge jurisdiction. Nature of the jurisdiction in a criminal process is investigated. It is marked that a state jurisdiction function fully embraces the decision of legal conflicts in the state and envisages the sphere of activity as the jurisdiction in a criminal process of criminal process organs. Certainly, that the general jurisdiction in a criminal process is the sphere of public businesses, that must be decided in the criminal law activity. Inwardly in the system of criminal process the general jurisdiction in a criminal process forms criminal judicial functions and jurisdiction of subjects of criminal realization. The structure of the jurisdiction in a criminal process is consists of a 1) general jurisdiction in a criminal process, 2) the functional jurisdiction, 3) the subject jurisdiction in a criminal process. The general jurisdiction in a criminal process presents all spheres of public businesses that are taken for realization of function of criminal process. The functional criminal judicial jurisdiction presents the sphere of public businesses in relation to that criminal judicial functions come true by state bodies (prosecution, justice). The functional jurisdiction is distributed among the subjects of realization within the limits of one function. The subject jurisdiction appears as a result of such distribution.
Городецька М. С. Природа та структура предмета відання у кримінальному процесі. Правовий часопис Донбасу. 2018. № 1 (62). С. 183-189.
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