Перспективи розвитку законодавства України у сфері професійного розвитку працівників

dc.contributor.authorНазимко О. В.
dc.contributor.authorКлемпарський М. М.
dc.contributor.authorNazymko Olena
dc.contributor.authorKlemparsky Mykola
dc.descriptionНазимко О.В., Клемпарський М.М. Перспективи розвитку законодавства України у сфері професійного розвитку працівників. Правовий часопис Донбасу. 2020. №2. С. 81-87.
dc.description.abstractУ статті проводиться дослідження особливостей правового регулювання професійного розвитку працівників в Україні в сучасних умовах як однієї з головних складових забезпечення професійними кадрами роботодавців. Визначено тенденції становлення системи професійної підготовки в Україні, проблеми її функціонування та перспективи розвитку. Узагальнено підходи до професійного розвитку працівників у розвинених країнах світу та надано рекомендації щодо заходів, які сприятимуть безперервному професійному розвитку працівників в Україні. The authors of the article study the features of the legal regulation of employees’ professional development in Ukraine within modern conditions, as one of the main components of providing professional staff to employers. It is determined the tendencies of formation the system of professional training in Ukraine, also the problems of its functioning and prospects of development are set up. Approaches are generalized to the professional development of workers in the developed countries of the world and provided recommendations on measures that will promote the continuous professional development of workers in Ukraine. Firstly, the authors draw attention to the direct improvement of the system of training at work and in connection with the entry of Ukraine into the European educational space. Secondly, scientists note the experience of developed countries will help to increase the competitiveness of the domestic training system in Ukraine. At the same time, the national system will be more effective in the case of combining its own experience with the best world traditions and achievements. The authors appreciate the use of progressive experience in training and education of foreign personnel, which has a balanced, tested and effective system of regulations in the field, aimed at promoting and supporting internal training of employees and their professional development. These measures can provide a positive impact on the management of employees’ professional competence of modern domestic enterprises; will create the necessary theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of relevant regulations in domestic practice. The article emphasizes that it is important for Ukraine to understand only a purposeful state policy in the field of professional development of employees, which will be based on a combination of various global models of incentives for employees and employers in professional development, improvement of the system of professional training, retraining, advanced training, the formed integral mechanism of corporate, branch and state stimulation taking into account the world standards of work with the personnel, will be able to satisfy effectively requirements of the modern labor market and the concrete organization.
dc.publisherДонецький юридичний інститут МВС України
dc.titleПерспективи розвитку законодавства України у сфері професійного розвитку працівників
dc.title.alternativeProspects for the development of the legislation in the field of the professional development of employees
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