Методика аналізу слідчої ситуації
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Донецький державний університет внутрішніх справ
У статті розглянуто розумову діяльність слідчого в процесі розкриття і розслідування злочинів. Визначено сутність та значення аналізу слідчої ситуації для формування криміналістичних версій і прийняття виважених тактичних рішень під час планування та організації досудового розслідування. За результатами дослідження здійснено спробу узагальнити схеми аналізу слідчої ситуації, у тому числі із застосуванням теорії розв’язання винахідницьких задач.
The purpose of the study is to determine the features of constructing schemes for analyzing an investigative situation using the forensic thinking of an investigator. Forensic thinking has a direct impact on the mental activity of the investigator in the process of disclosing and investigating crimes. Today, the pre-trial investigation process depends on the analytical thinking of the investigator and his skill in making well-considered tactical decisions. The investigator must conduct a meaningful study and critical analysis of the investigative situation to achieve the effectiveness of the investigation. The attention is focused on the essence and significance of the analysis of the investigative situation for the formation of forensic versions and the adoption of balanced tactical decisions in the course of planning and organizing a pre-trial investigation. Based on the processes of cognition of reality, algorithms for analyzing the investigative situation were determined. An attempt is made to generalize and substantiate the existing schemes for analyzing the investigative situation, including using the theory of inventive problem solving. The dynamism of the investigative situation necessitated a creative approach to the analysis. For this reason, it is proposed to use the theory of inventive problem solving. The TRIZ method is aimed at obtaining an ideal result that does not contain negative factors. The TRIZ divides the problem into parts to identify the contradiction that blocks the investigation. Such a contradiction lends itself to detailed study or is discarded to improve the options for solving problems in which there are no negative elements. Thus, knowledge of the algorithm for analyzing the investigative situation allows you to optimize the entire process of disclosing and investigating crimes. Today, approaches in this direction are very useful, but have a general character and require specification that will increase the effectiveness of their application.
Барган С. С. Методика аналізу слідчої ситуації. Правовий часопис Донбасу. №3 (76). 2021. С. 135-142.