Formation of a new paradigm of anti-money laundering: The experience of Ukraine
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LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”
The increase in the level of money laundering is associated with digitalization and technification of all spheres of society, the globalization of financial markets, the con-sequences of quarantine measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the new ways of committing money laundering crimes. The paper aims to identify the peculiar¬ities of anti-money laundering activities in Ukraine and outline approaches to increase the effectiveness of combating money laundering in the country. The current state of the problem of money laundering is analyzed based on the study literary sources, regu¬latory framework and their discussion in the Ukrainian society. An attempt was made to systematize the factors influencing the increase in the level of money laundering. The consequences of increasing the level of money laundering for Ukraine have been determined: a shortfall in state budget revenues, a decrease in the level of the social sphere financing, reduced living standards of the population. It has been emphasized that there is a need for a comprehensive approach to the problem of money laundering, which will include ongoing training for financial audit specialists, the establishment of special units to investigate money laundering crimes, enshrining the classification of money laundering crimes in regulatory documents and the establishment of criminal liability for their commission.
Skriabin O. M. Formation of a new paradigm of anti-money laundering : The experience of Ukraine Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021. - С. 354-363.