Сутнісні ознаки рейдерства

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Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України
Незважаючи на численні дослідження рейдерства як негативного соціального феномену, в юридичній літературі досі існують суперечності щодо розуміння цього явища. В статті здійснено спробу виокремити сутнісні ознаки рейдерства, зокрема його мету, предмет, спосіб вчинення та розкрити їх зміст. На підставі цих ознак запропоновано визначення рейдерства та проведено його розмежування з іншими правовими явищами. Despite countless attempts by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to revive the national economy, criminalization of economic relations continues to grow in Ukraine, which creates a real threat to the economic security of the state and hinders its stable economic development. But, despite numerous studies of raiders as a negative social phenomenon, and still in the legal literature and at the level of legislation, there are serious contradictions in the development of the generally accepted definition of the term "raiding". The main problem is the excessively broad or inaccurate isolation of the essential features of the concept under investigation, which are necessary for a clear delineation of raiders against other types of economic crimes. Researchers repeatedly sing out for the main feature precisely the power unlawful capture, and at all not delimiting raiding and unfriendly absorption. At the same time, in the definitions, the researchers do not identify the goal, the subject and the ways of raiding, why such a definition loses its specifics. For the purpose in most interpretations of raiding, it is customary to designate the takeover of the enterprise or obtain corporate control over it, not paying attention to the importance of gaining control over the assets and resources of business entities. A similar situation occurs in the allocation of other signs of raiding. As a result, through a comprehensive analysis of the content of this phenomenon, and based on the research of well-known scientists, the article identified a number of essential features that clearly differentiate raiders from other economic crimes, which allowed to fully explain the concept being studied, which in the future will contribute to its theoretical comprehension.
Кубарєв І. В., Барган С. С. Сутнісні ознаки рейдерства. Правовий часопис Донбасу. 2018. – №2 (63). – С. 117-122.
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