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Документ Аналіз положень проекту закону України “Про забезпечення безпеки учасників кримінального судочинства та інших в інтересах правосуддя”(Донецький державний університет внутрішніх справ, 2021) Бабенко О. Г.; Репан М. І.; Babenko O. G.; Repan M. I.Статтю присвячено аналізу проєкту Закону України «Про забезпечення безпеки учасників кримінального судочинства та інших осіб в інтересах правосуддя». Установлено, що чинне законодавство у сфері забезпечення захисту учасників кримінального судочинства є не реформованим і таким, що втратило ефективність. Констатовано, що учасники кримінального судочинства іноді приховують дійсні дані вчинення злочину, тому що побоюються за своє життя та здоров’я у разі надання викривальних показань, оскільки інститут забезпечення безпеки учасників кримінального судочинства нині не є дієвим. Виявлено, що Проєкт не передбачає особливостей забезпечення безпеки неповнолітніх учасників кримінального провадження, що суттєво порушує права цієї вразливої категорії осіб. Зроблено висновок, що законопроєкт потребує вдосконалення та максимального збільшення ефективності та дієвості його норм. The article is devoted to the analysis of the Draft Law "On Ensuring the Safety of Participants in Criminal Proceedings and Other Persons in the Interests of Justice". The system of current legislation in the field of security of persons involved in criminal proceedings is outdated and does not provide the necessary conditions for the proper administration of justice. It is established that the current legislation in the field of protection of participants in criminal proceedings is unreformed, has many gaps and is ineffective. It was stated that participants in criminal proceedings (witnesses and victims) who are in real danger often refuse to testify and cooperate with the investigator, as they believe that the state cannot protect them from the unlawful influence of persons involved in criminal proceedings. As a result of the refusal of witnesses and victims to testify and cooperate with the investigation, the perpetrators remain unpunished. On the positive side of the draft law is the proposal to establish a new specially authorized body - the National Agency for Security of Criminal Proceedings, as in the event of a high level of threat to certain participants in criminal proceedings, their rights and freedoms, life and health must be preserved. It was found that the Draft Law does not provide for the specifics of ensuring the safety of juvenile participants in criminal proceedings, which significantly violates the rights of this vulnerable category of persons. Based on the understanding of the list of persons entitled to the application of security measures proposed in Part 1 of Art. 6 of the draft Law, it can be understood that the legislator provided for the possibility of taking under the protection of a minor, in one form or another, but unfortunately bypassed the attention of their parents and legal representatives. In view of the above and taking into account the concept of "best interests of the child", it is proposed to expand the list of persons subject to protection and add a legal representative of a minor. There have also been a number of other proposals to improve the situation of juveniles who are being protected by the state for giving incriminating testimony. It is concluded that the bill needs to improve and maximize its efficiency and effectiveness of its rules.Документ Деякі питання представництва неповнолітнього підозрюваного(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, 2018) Бабенко О. Г.; Babenko O. G.У статті досліджено деякі питання представництва неповнолітнього підозрюваного у кримінальному процесі. Охарактеризовано представництво неповнолітнього підозрюваного у кримінальному провадженні. Визначено проблемні питання представництва неповнолітнього підозрюваного у кримінальному процесі. Запропоновано внести доповнення до статей Кримінального процесуального кодексу України для покращення законодавчого забезпечення прав неповнолітнього підозрюваного на представництво у кримінальному провадженні. The article examines questions of representation of an underage people in criminal trial. The psychological features of the underage personality are studied; the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of criminal offenses among adolescents are analyzed. The study indicates the specifics of the criminal process during the investigation of crimes committed by underage people and additional guarantees for the protection of their rights and legitimate interests. National and international legislation which regulates the rules of criminal proceedings in cases of underage people is analyzed. The focus is on the rights granted to an underage suspect during criminal proceedings. The circumstances of compulsory provision of a lawyer and legal representative to an underage person who has committed a criminal offense are considered. The problems of participation of a legal representative of an underage suspect in criminal proceedings are analyzed. It is concluded that the participation of the legal representative is psychological support for the child, therefore the choice of the person who will represent the rights and interests of the child in law enforcement agencies and the court must be granted to the underage suspect. The problematic issues of the participation of the underage suspect’s lawyer during the protection of his rights are examined. Attention is given to the negative moments of the lawyer's participation in criminal cases of adolescents, especially where lawyers work for free. The sentences of the national courts in criminal proceedings against juveniles who have committed a criminal offense are analyzed. There have been cases of improper performance by lawyers of their professional obligations in juvenile suspects’ rights protection. It is proposed to make additions to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine that will significantly improve the provision of the rights to be protected to children who fall into the sphere of criminal justice.Документ Допит неповнолітнього підозрюваного(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, 2019) Бабенко О. Г.; Babenko O. G.У статті досліджено та надано оцінку особливостям проведення допиту неповнолітнього підозрюваного під час досудового розслідування. Проаналізовано доцільність проведення допиту підозрюваного в контексті безпосередності дослідження доказів. Розглянуто питання проведення процесуального інтерв’ю з неповнолітнім підозрюваним як більш якісної форми відбирання пояснень та показань. Унесено пропозиції в законодавство стосовно підвищення ефективності отримання показань від неповнолітніх підозрюваних під час досудового розслідування. The features of the interrogation of a minor suspect during a pre-trial investigation is investigated and evaluated in the article. The point of view of scientists regarding the issues of interrogation at the stage of pre-trial investigation is studied. The suggestions of scientists in resolving problematic issues that arise during the interrogation of a suspect at the stage of pre-trial investigation are taken into account. It is concluded that it is important to obtain initial evidence from a minor suspect, given his age characteristics. The feasibility of interrogating a suspect in the context of a direct investigation of the testimony, taking into account the psychological characteristics of minors and respect for their rights, is analyzed. In order to simplify the procedure for selecting evidence from juvenile suspects, the issue of conducting a «procedural interview» was considered as a better way to select explanations and evidence. The international experience of using the «procedural interview» in the investigation of crimes was studied. Attention is drawn to their methods and methods of conducting a «procedural interview». Particular emphasis is on simplifying the procedure, a relaxed atmosphere during interviews, as well as knowledge of psychology, non-verbal behavior of the interviewer and the interviewee. In the article some suggestions have been introduced to the legislation regarding the increase in the efficiency of obtaining evidence from juvenile suspects during the pre-trial investigation. It is proposed to use a «procedural interview» taking into account the principle of direct evidence research. It is proposed to conduct a «procedural interview» with a minor suspect to a psychologist who has knowledge in the fields of child psychology, criminal and criminal procedural legislation. Given the observance of all the rights of minors who have committed a criminal offense, it is proposed to conduct a «procedural interview» in the presence of a child's lawyer and parents (legal representative). Based on the study, conclusions were drawn about the need to simplify the interrogation of a minor suspect at the pre-trial investigation stage.Документ Недоліки застосування домашнього арешту до неповнолітнього підозрюваного(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, 2018) Бабенко О. Г.; Babenko O. G.У статті охарактеризовано запобіжний захід у вигляді домашнього арешту. Досліджено недоліки застосування цього запобіжного заходу саме до неповнолітніх, які вчинили кримінальне правопорушення. У результаті проведеного дослідження надано пропозиції щодо внесення змін до статей Кримінального процесуального кодексу України стосовно розширення кола осіб, на яких покладається контроль за поведінкою неповнолітнього підозрюваного під час перебування під домашнім арештом. Запропоновано встановити конкретні випадки обрання цілодобового домашнього арешту стосовно неповнолітнього підозрюваного. Внесено пропозиції щодо збільшення обов’язків та обмежень, які необхідно застосовувати до осіб, стосовно яких обирається домашній арешт The article characterizes preventive measure in the form of house arrest. The disadvantages of this preventive measure specifically to underage who have committed a criminal offense are investigated. These disadvantages are the lack of effective control over the implementation of restrictions and duties imposed as a result of the election of this preventive measure, as well as the absence of restrictions and prohibitions that contain control and education during house arrest. During the survey of house arrest, an analysis of the court decisions of the national courts was conducted, in which the indicated preventive measure was elected to the juvenile suspects. In the article it is given an example when the around-the-clock house arrest for underage was changed to house arrest, with the prohibition to leave home at the scheduled time, due to the need for the child to attend school. The articles of scientists who previously investigated the preventive measure in the form of house arrest were studied and analyzed. However, not all problematic issues were investigated. The question of observance of the rights of an underage suspect during the implementation of a house arrest remains open. As a result of the investigation, it was proposed to amend the articles of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine regarding the expansion of the circle of persons responsible for monitoring the behavior of an underage suspect, while under house arrest. Such persons can be - juvenile police officers, parents, other relatives, representatives of an institution where an underage studies. It is proposed to establish specific cases of the election of roundthe-clock house arrest in regard to an underage suspect, such as: the commission of a serious and especially serious crime. A proposal to national legislation has been made in order to increase the duties and restrictions that may be applied to persons in regard to whom house arrest is being elected. The research options of perspective areas of the considered topics are proposed, namely, the application of house arrest to an underage, which is contained in a special educational institution. In addition, it was proposed to establish a person and determine ways to effectively enforce the restrictions connected with the prohibition of using the Internet during the application of house arrest to an underage.Документ Поняття неповнолітнього підозрюваного(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, 2020) Бабенко О. Г.; Babenko O. G.Статтю присвячено дослідженню поняття «неповнолітній підозрюваний». Зазначається, що чинні норми КПК України та наявні теоретичні уявлення стосовно визначення поняття «неповнолітній підозрюваний» є недосконалими, тому що не враховують сутнісний аспект з’ясування віку неповнолітньої особи та матеріальний прояв висунення їй підозри у скоєнні кримінального правопорушення. У результаті проведеного дослідження запропоновано визначення поняття «неповнолітній підозрюваний» як особи, яка у формальному та сутнісному аспекті досягла мінімального віку для притягнення до кримінальної відповідальності та щодо якої висунуто підозру у формальному або матеріальному прояві. The article is devoted to the study of the concept of "juvenile suspect". It is determined that the normative approach to the disclosure of the concept of "juvenile suspect" is quite formal, and therefore its content is imperfect in terms of actual physiological, intellectual development and the initial moment of criminal prosecution of an underage. The indication in the meaning of the term "juvenile suspect" on reaching a certain age can be formally perceived and established by simply checking the documents certifying the age of the juvenile suspect. However, it cannot be ruled out that a juvenile suspect "according to the documents" has the required age parameters, but "de facto" has not reached the appropriate age in terms of the necessary mental and intellectual development. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the age of an underage in each case should be determined not only by the relevant documents, but also by experts through establishment child growth level. It is concluded that when formulating the concept of "juvenile suspect" should take into account both the formal and substantive aspects of determining the age parameter of an underage. It is noted that it is difficult to recognize as perfect the current norms of the CPC of Ukraine in terms of legal regulation of the acquisition by an underage of the procedural status of a suspect. First of all, because of the fact that CPC of Ukraine does not contain separate instructions regarding the establishment of additional guarantees for the effective "endowment" of an underage with the specified legal status. Secondly, the existing normative provisions on placing a person, regardless of his age, in the legal position of a suspect are defective with regard to the actual initial criminal prosecution (accusation). It is stated that when defining the concept of "juvenile suspect" it is necessary to take into account not only the formal but also the material manifestation of the accusation (suspicion). It is concluded that a juvenile suspect is a person who has formally and substantially reached the minimum age of criminal responsibility, and in respect of whom a suspicion of formal or material manifestation is raised.