The law-enforcement system in the civil rights and freedoms protection system: the international comparative aspect

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Revista San Gregorio
The article focuses on the problem of place determination of law-enforcement agencies in the civil rights and freedoms protection system. The emphasis is given to the analysis of international legal instruments in this sphere, in particular: the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The article has proved that law enforcement agencies are mainly aimed at ensuring and protection of human and citizen civil rights and freedoms in all spheres of social relations. Their mission is to provide the rule of law and order as well as to effect the sovereign will of the state in the whole territory. At the same time, the law enforcement bodies are proved to have authority to use legal measures aimed at the limitation of civil rights and freedoms, and it is reflected at the level of international legal instruments. Also, it has been proved that at the level of national legislation, national governments must secure independently volumes, completeness, and boarders of measures undertook by law enforcement agencies to limit legally a number of civil rights. All such cases must be specified and written in laws in such a way as to avoid misunderstanding. The conclusion has been reached that limits, and measures applied by law enforcement authorities to restrict the civil rights, must be adaptive, flexible, and not so detailed in law but shown in protocols and standards of police work. Thus, it is important that efficiency and limits of the possible limitation of civil rights by law enforcement agencies are carried out under the control and monitoring on the part of Civil Society Institutes. Such monitoring and control are aimed at securing permanent correction of law enforcement actions model in the sphere of civil rights and freedoms protection.
Tymur O. Loskutov, Nataliia V. Bilianska, Hanna M. Ustinova-Boichenko. The law-enforcement system in the civil rights and freedoms protection system: the international comparative aspect Revista San Gregorio, 2020, No.42. special edition. P.10-19.
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