Способи взаємодії міжнародних трудових стандартів і національного трудового законодавства

dc.contributor.authorНазимко Олена
dc.contributor.authorNazymko Olena
dc.descriptionНазимко О.В. Способи взаємодії міжнародних трудових стандартів і національного трудового законодавства. Актуальні проблеми права: теорія і практика. 2020. №2. С. 120-126.
dc.description.abstractВ рамках даної науково-правничої статті автори розглянули проблематику взаємодії між сучас-ними міжнародними трудовими стандартами та діючим національним трудовим законодавством. Вказану дослідницьку мету досягнуто за допомогою авторського звернення до змісту низки основопо-ложних джерел міжнародного права МОП, а також відповідних наукових праць окремих фахівців. Within the given law study paper the author considered the problems of interaction between the present international labor standards and active national labor legislation. This research goal was achieved by means of author`s appealing to a range of the basic ILO international law instruments, and research studies of the separate experts as well.The attention is focused on thefact that modern international labor law is reproduced as the current and dynamic regulatory framework in the field of labor relations. Itsuniversal model provisions form the content of the material norms of the current national labor law of the overwhelming majority of sovereign states. As a member of the International Labor Organization, by signing and ratifying its declarations, conventions, recommendations, protocols, covenants and other sources of international law, sovereign states directly create and (or) substantially complement, reform, change, improve domestic labor laws. This international regulatory and regulatory ideal applies toall the necessary aspects and conditions associated with the commencement, continuation and termination of an employment relationship.The practical significance of this interaction lies in the fact that international labor standards, being properly incorporated into the national labor laws of sovereign states, are or should become the driving force and the basis for changes in the sphere of national labor relations. These norms on a strictly legal basis effectively provide such social benefits as a higherstandard of living of the worker, decent wages for physical or intellectual work done by him, a normalized working day, regular leave, sufficient pension and other legal cash security in the future, professional growth.It is concluded that modern developed labor law is impossible without a comprehensive regulatory and legal interaction of international and national labor standards. Such interaction is carried out through: 1) general international legal and national legal regulation of a particular sphere of social relations; 2) an appropriate correlation between the existing systems of norms of international and national labor law within the framework of a holistic legislative basis of a sovereign state; 3) international legal response to the violation of the international components of this branch of the national legal system.
dc.publisherСхідноукраїнський національний університет ім. Володимира Даля
dc.titleСпособи взаємодії міжнародних трудових стандартів і національного трудового законодавства
dc.title.alternativeMethods of interaction of international labor standards and national labor laws
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