Пред’явлення особи для впізнання за 3D-моделлю її зовнішності

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Коваленко А. В. Пред’явлення особи для впізнання за 3D-моделлю її зовнішності. Криміналістика і судова експертиза: міжвідом. наук.-метод. зб. Київ, 2022. Вип. 68. С. 196-204. Kovalenko A. Presentation of a person for recognition by a 3d-model of their appearance. Criminalistics and Forensics. Kyiv, 2022. Issue 68. P. 196-204.
Статтю присвячено формулюванню організаційних і тактичних засад проведення пред’явлення особи для впізнання за 3D-моделлю її зовнішності. Названа форма пред’явлення для впізнання є перспективним високотехнологічним способом проведення згаданої слідчої (розшукової) дії, логічним розвитком та сучасною альтернативою упізнанню за фотознімками. Для проведення пропонованого дослідження було створено віртуальну (комп’ютерну) сцену, у межах якої відпрацьовано демонстрацію 3D-моделей зовнішності людини. Автором запропоновано рекомендації щодо підготовки, організації і тактики проведення, а також фіксування ходу й результатів пред’явлення особи для впізнання за 3D-моделлю її зовнішності. The article is devoted to the formulation of the organizational and tactical principles of presenting a person for identification based on a 3D-model of their appearance. The author emphasizes that the named form of presentation for identification is a promising high-tech way of conducting the mentioned investigative (search) action, a logical development and a modern alternative to identification by photographs. To conduct the proposed research, a virtual (computer) scene was created, within which the demonstration of 3D-models of the human appearance was worked out. Before carrying out this procedural action, it is advisable to involve at least two witnesses and (or) to carry out continuous video recording of the recognizing person at the same time as capturing the screen on which the 3D-models are demonstrated. 3D-models may be presented to a recognizing person on a monitor screen, in virtual reality (using VR glasses or a helmet) or in augmented reality (using AR glasses). For identification, it is suggested to present 3D-models of a recognizable person and at least three extras made by the method of forensic (signalistic) 3D-scanning. It is expedient to demonstrate the mentioned models to the recognizing person together and separately, as well as in a model of the situation in which the perception took place. The demonstrated 3D-models can be zoomed in or out, rotated around an axis and viewed from any side, set in motion (animated), which provides a qualitatively new level of visibility. In the protocol of the investigative (search) action, it is necessary to indicate the method of manufacturing (receiving) each presented 3D-model, the computer and software used to make the presentation, and the data of the involved specialists. In the descriptive part of the protocol, it is recommended to include screenshots of the general view of all presented 3D-models, a separate view of each model, a general view of the environment in which the 3D-models of persons were placed, and a separate view of the recognized model. All described scenes must be exported and saved as 3D-models, placed on a DVD or flash drive and added to the protocol as its integral appendix. In order to introduce the procedure of presenting a person for identification based on a 3D-model into law enforcement practice, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to Part No. 6th and 7th century 228 of the CPC of Ukraine.
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