Law journal of Donbass. Правовий часопис Донбасу
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Перегляд Law journal of Donbass. Правовий часопис Донбасу за Автор "Barhan S.S."
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Документ Згода потерпілого на укладення угоди про визнання винуватості в кримінальному провадженні(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, 2020) Кубарєв І. В.; Барган С. С.; Kubarev I.V.; Barhan S.S.В статті розглянуто правове регулювання інституту угоди про визнання винуватості у кримінальному провадженні, в якому беруть участь потерпілий або потерпілі. Здійснено спробу виокремити прийоми і способи переконання потерпілого щодо надання прокурору письмової згоди на укладення угоди з підозрюваним (обвинуваченим). Визначено співвідношення приватних і публічних інтересів при реалізації угоди про визнання винуватості. This article examined the legal regulation of the institution of a plea agreement transaction in a criminal proceeding in which the victim or victims are involved. The institution of a plea agreement in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine helps to save time in the investigation of crimes. The application of the transaction reduces the procedural costs of the state. At the same time, the level of efficiency in solving grave and especially grave crimes committed as part of an organized group or criminal organization is increasing. The burden on the system of judicial and law enforcement agencies is reduced, which leads to an acceleration of the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. An attempt has been made to highlight the techniques and methods of persuading the victim to provide the prosecutor with written consent to conclude an agreement with the suspect (accused). The described persuasion techniques help to obtain consent from the victim to conclude a plea agreement in a short time. These methods include such as: argumentation, suggestion, appeal to emotions and feelings. The persuasion process is the softest and most permissible, since it does not entail the emergence of false beliefs in the victim. At the same time, we consider the relationship between private and public interests in the implementation of the plea agreement. Each crime infringes on personal and private interests. The state must guarantee the protection of the established legal order. However, the victim should have the right to express his or her opinion freely in criminal proceedings. Therefore, the institution of a plea agreement cannot fully exist without the consent of the victim. Thus, the consent of the victim must be of an advisory nature, because to maintain the balance of private and public interests, it is important to encroach on public order and the degree of damage to public relations in general.Документ Методика аналізу слідчої ситуації(Донецький державний університет внутрішніх справ, 2021) Барган С. С.; Barhan S.S.У статті розглянуто розумову діяльність слідчого в процесі розкриття і розслідування злочинів. Визначено сутність та значення аналізу слідчої ситуації для формування криміналістичних версій і прийняття виважених тактичних рішень під час планування та організації досудового розслідування. За результатами дослідження здійснено спробу узагальнити схеми аналізу слідчої ситуації, у тому числі із застосуванням теорії розв’язання винахідницьких задач. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of constructing schemes for analyzing an investigative situation using the forensic thinking of an investigator. Forensic thinking has a direct impact on the mental activity of the investigator in the process of disclosing and investigating crimes. Today, the pre-trial investigation process depends on the analytical thinking of the investigator and his skill in making well-considered tactical decisions. The investigator must conduct a meaningful study and critical analysis of the investigative situation to achieve the effectiveness of the investigation. The attention is focused on the essence and significance of the analysis of the investigative situation for the formation of forensic versions and the adoption of balanced tactical decisions in the course of planning and organizing a pre-trial investigation. Based on the processes of cognition of reality, algorithms for analyzing the investigative situation were determined. An attempt is made to generalize and substantiate the existing schemes for analyzing the investigative situation, including using the theory of inventive problem solving. The dynamism of the investigative situation necessitated a creative approach to the analysis. For this reason, it is proposed to use the theory of inventive problem solving. The TRIZ method is aimed at obtaining an ideal result that does not contain negative factors. The TRIZ divides the problem into parts to identify the contradiction that blocks the investigation. Such a contradiction lends itself to detailed study or is discarded to improve the options for solving problems in which there are no negative elements. Thus, knowledge of the algorithm for analyzing the investigative situation allows you to optimize the entire process of disclosing and investigating crimes. Today, approaches in this direction are very useful, but have a general character and require specification that will increase the effectiveness of their application.Документ Про «стратегічне використання доказів» у разі викриття обману (зарубіжні дослідження)(Гельветика, 2022) Кубарєв І. В.; Барган С. С.; Kubarev I.V.; Barhan S.S.В статті розглянуто закордонний досвід діагностики криміналістичними засобами істинності показань, отримуваних під час проведення допиту. Розкрито зміст і значення запропонованої зарубіжними фахівцями техніки «Strategic Use of Evidence» (стратегічного використання доказів), спрямованої на викриття обману. Надано характеристику рівнів, окремих принципів та етапів цієї стратегії. Наголошено на зміні моделі поведінки допитуваного, який приховує достовірну інформацію, як відповідної реакції на демонстрацію доказів викривального змісту. Обґрунтовано доцільність імплементації окремих її положень у вітчизняну криміналістичну теорію та слідчу практику. The article examines the foreign concept of determining the truth of testimony obtained during interrogation. The content and significance of the «Strategic Use of Evidence» technique proposed by foreign specialists, aimed at exposing deception, is revealed. A meaningful description of the level structure and certain principles of strategic use of evidence are given, which indicate the presence of cause-and-effect relationships between the results of the interrogation and the technique of recognizing false statements. It is indicated on the features of reporting information by different persons who speak true or false information. It is emphasized that the inconsistency and inconsistency of the testimony indicates the falsity of the testimony. The need for step-by-step disclosure of available evidence is comprehensively substantiated. As a result of the drip method of demonstrating evidence, the greatest result of exposing deception is achieved. In addition, within the scope of the article, an attempt is made to find out the methods of increasing the accuracy of detection of deception during the interrogation of a person. It has been found that interviewees who mislead the investigator and those who tell the truth use different speech strategies and use different beliefs. The technique of strategic use of evidence is based on the interrogator's reflection on the demonstration of incriminating evidence. Emphasis is placed on changing the model of behavior of the interrogate, who hides reliable information, as an appropriate reaction to the demonstration of evidence of incriminating content. It is indicated that the technique of strategic use of evidence pursues the goal of improving existing tactical methods of interrogation in the direction of increasing the probability of recognizing unreliable testimony by identifying general patterns of behavior of persons who hide known information or resort to deception, as well as their typical reaction to the demonstration of incriminating evidence. At the end of the research, the expediency of implementing some of its provisions into domestic forensic theory and investigative practice is substantiated.Документ Система процесуальних форм взаємодії слідчого та оперативних підрозділів на досудовому розслідуванні(Гельветика, 2023) Кубарєв І. В.; Барган С. С.; Kubarev I.V.; Barhan S.S.Стаття присвячена аналізу існуючої системи процесуальних форм взаємодії слідчого та оперативних підрозділів на досудовому розслідуванні. Розкрито зміст наявних недоліків її правової регламентації, обґрунтовано, що сучасна система процесуальних форм взаємодії слідчого та оперативних підрозділів складається з: 1) доручення слідчого про проведення слідчих (розшукових) дій; 2) доручення слідчого про проведення негласних слідчих (розшукових) дій; 3) доручення слідчого про проведення оперативно-розшукових заходів. Окреслено шляхи вдосконалення кримінального процесуального регулювання взаємодії слідчого та оперативних підрозділів на досудовому розслідуванні. The article focuses on analyzing the system of procedural forms of interaction between investigators and operational units in pre-trial investigations of crimes. It examines the shortcomings in its practical implementation according to the provisions of the current criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the lack of unified approaches to addressing various problematic aspects in defining the forms of interaction between investigators and operational units. It discusses important aspects of this interaction, highlights the shortcomings in its practical implementation, and the absence of unified approaches to addressing certain significant aspects. The article acknowledges that the interaction between investigators and operational units is a constant element in crime investigations, but the concept of interaction remains debatable, and some of the proposed forms of interaction may be insufficiently effective. Enhancing the interaction between investigators and operational units through procedural forms is an important task for improving the work of law enforcement agencies. However, improving such interaction is not limited to clearly defining their scope at present and requires further research and the development of new approaches to addressing the problems of interaction. Further improvement in interaction can be achieved through the development of new procedural forms that consider contemporary challenges and the needs of law enforcement agencies. Therefore, an attempt has been made to provide recommendations for enhancing the interaction between investigators and operational units, which can be useful for the practical work of investigators and operational units in the process of crime detection and investigation. It is suggested that in order to improve the system, the reintroduction of certain forms of interaction between investigators and operational units in the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine could be considered.Документ Сутнісні ознаки рейдерства(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, 2018) Кубарєв І. В.; Барган С. С.; Kubarev I.V.; Barhan S.S.Незважаючи на численні дослідження рейдерства як негативного соціального феномену, в юридичній літературі досі існують суперечності щодо розуміння цього явища. В статті здійснено спробу виокремити сутнісні ознаки рейдерства, зокрема його мету, предмет, спосіб вчинення та розкрити їх зміст. На підставі цих ознак запропоновано визначення рейдерства та проведено його розмежування з іншими правовими явищами. Despite countless attempts by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to revive the national economy, criminalization of economic relations continues to grow in Ukraine, which creates a real threat to the economic security of the state and hinders its stable economic development. But, despite numerous studies of raiders as a negative social phenomenon, and still in the legal literature and at the level of legislation, there are serious contradictions in the development of the generally accepted definition of the term "raiding". The main problem is the excessively broad or inaccurate isolation of the essential features of the concept under investigation, which are necessary for a clear delineation of raiders against other types of economic crimes. Researchers repeatedly sing out for the main feature precisely the power unlawful capture, and at all not delimiting raiding and unfriendly absorption. At the same time, in the definitions, the researchers do not identify the goal, the subject and the ways of raiding, why such a definition loses its specifics. For the purpose in most interpretations of raiding, it is customary to designate the takeover of the enterprise or obtain corporate control over it, not paying attention to the importance of gaining control over the assets and resources of business entities. A similar situation occurs in the allocation of other signs of raiding. As a result, through a comprehensive analysis of the content of this phenomenon, and based on the research of well-known scientists, the article identified a number of essential features that clearly differentiate raiders from other economic crimes, which allowed to fully explain the concept being studied, which in the future will contribute to its theoretical comprehension.