Порушенням законів та звичаїв війни: питання теорії та практики
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Стаття присвячена проблемам, пов’язаним з порушенням законів та звичаїв війни. Проаналізовано систему міжнародних договорів, звичаїв, принципів, які складають міжнародне гуманітарне право. Встановлено, що закони та звичаї війни – це сукупність заборон, які спрямовані на обмеження воюючих сторін в насильстві та жорстокості. Запропоновано низку системних напрацювань щодо конкретизації складу злочинів, передбачених статтею 438 Кримінального кодексу України, визначення ступеня їх суспільної небезпеки, внесення доповнень до означеної статті, які стосуються неміжнародних збройних конфліктів.
The article discusses problematic issues of violation of the laws and customs of war. The purpose of the article is to clarify problematic issues of the legal qualifi cation of acts provided for in Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, violation of the laws and customs of war. Philosophical, general scientifi c conceptual approaches, as well as approaches and methods, which are characteristic of modern legal science and were demanded by the problem, became the methodological basis of scientifi c work. During the analysis of the system of international treaties, customs, and principles that make up international humanitarian law, it was established that the laws and customs of war are a set of prohibitions contained not only in treaty law, but also in customary law, aimed at limiting the warring parties in violence, which exceeds the amount necessary to weaken the military power of the adversary, and in relation to those who do not take or have stopped participating in the confl ict. It was found that the principles of equality, non-reciprocity, humanity, proportionality, prevention, distinction ensure the unity and systematicity of the norms of international humanitarian law. The principle of distinguishing between combatants and noncombatants (distinction by subjects), as well as between military and civilian objects (distinction by objects) deserves special attention when qualifying the actions of a person as a violation of the laws and customs of war. Combatants, as legal participants in hostilities, are subject to war crimes. It has been studied that the convention norms oblige the states to criminalize the violation of the laws and customs of war in the national legislation, given that the investigation and bringing the perpetrators to justice for war crimes is primarily the duty of the state on the territory of which the armed confl ict is taking place. It has been established that international humanitarian law also provides for universal jurisdiction under which any state can bring a person to criminal responsibility for war crimes, regardless of the place where the crime was committed, the nationality of the subject of the crime or its victim. It is substantiated that the application of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine requires systematic development, in particular, specifying the composition of crimes, determining the degree of their social danger, making additions that relate to non-international armed confl icts. In connection with the lack of stable law enforcement practice on these issues and the blanket nature of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, it is suggested to focus on the practice of the international criminal court, the provisions of international treaties; for Ukraine to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which will give more mechanisms (the right to be a member of the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC, to participate in the elections of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, to put issues on the agenda of the Assembly and to take an active part in its work) for the investigation of war crimes and punishment for them.
Мельничук А. І., Мельничук С. М. Порушенням законів та звичаїв війни: питання теорії та практики. Право.ua. 2022. №2. С. 71-76.